Keybase Signature Chain V2

Sigchain V2 is an expansion on the previous version of the sigchain (V1). As we've been building out Keybase, mobile and teams in particular, we've discovered new requirements for the sigchain, and have made (backwards-compatible) changes accordingly:

  • Compression: As is, the sigchain is quite bloated. If you start a conversation with Chris Coyne, you'll have to download his full sigchain, which is ~6MB big (3MB compressed) and growing. The bulk of it is chris following other users, which is mixed in with his crucial key and device updates. Each sigchain link is about 6k big right now. On mobile, this will be especially painful, since you'll have to download a ton of data (potentially over a spotty link) before you can start talking with chris.
  • Semi-private links: some links might be withheld from some (most) viewers, because they contain private information (that the server can see). Examples include the members of teams.

This document explains the V2 construction at a high level.


Let's say you had a V1 link of the form:

ar inner_link = {
  "body": {
    "key": {
      "eldest_kid": "01013ef90b4c4e62121d12a51d18569b57996002c8bdccc9b2740935c9e4a07d20b40a",
      "host": "",
      "kid": "0120d3458bbecdfc0d0ae39fec05722c6e3e897c169223835977a8aa208dfcd902d30a",
      "uid": "dbb165b7879fe7b1174df73bed0b9500",
      "username": "max"
    "track": {
      "basics": {
        "id_version": 38,
        "last_id_change": 1487592188,
        "username": "michael"
      "id": "aa1e1ca79c2838d4b1da4569b5200500",
      "key": {
        "key_fingerprint": "b4df6d7c3e744d41bbab458177fff4cac061a1cc",
        "kid": "0101ed29008279a6cda883b6d415eac0abdaed27a3917a297378b8328dec83ebd0ef0a"
      "pgp_keys": [
          "key_fingerprint": "b4df6d7c3e744d41bbab458177fff4cac061a1cc",
          "kid": "0101ed29008279a6cda883b6d415eac0abdaed27a3917a297378b8328dec83ebd0ef0a"
      "remote_proofs": [
          "ctime": 1453792180,
          "curr": "6c2c8eece6d12328486280763e15439a114ac8615c993b870a8e061f3ac9a98d",
          "etime": 1958368180,
          "prev": "368186690020ceb2b25691551fe4a28f19dad95654cab776454bab4843f70216",
          "remote_key_proof": {
            "check_data_json": {
              "name": "twitter",
              "username": "mcoyne88"
            "proof_type": 2,
            "state": 1
          "sig_id": "10210278d9be8d8285dbf8554073b75980fc6b7dffa733a5b2f2e70a2cfd6e3d0f",
          "sig_type": 2
          "ctime": 1453790811,
          "curr": "3b583421a55b841a53107668850c83954b81f5a05a00bca54e66a20d0a64d983",
          "etime": 1611470811,
          "prev": "be74bcbe134a5bb016e54902896e4415c9c70e722bc9a2f5b19f9fee085e70b8",
          "remote_key_proof": {
            "check_data_json": {
              "name": "github",
              "username": "mcoyne88"
            "proof_type": 3,
            "state": 1
          "sig_id": "c89116cb21b780d395310052af136c3592376224b4852ae3e5938ee7e1442bd70f",
          "sig_type": 2
          "ctime": 1453791455,
          "curr": "d7b99d0dba2e1e3a6efe744510344da00f48383d7d205016d1d2538c16baba0b",
          "etime": 1611471455,
          "prev": "3b583421a55b841a53107668850c83954b81f5a05a00bca54e66a20d0a64d983",
          "remote_key_proof": {
            "check_data_json": {
              "name": "reddit",
              "username": "mcoyne88"
            "proof_type": 4,
            "state": 1
          "sig_id": "00cfd5d05426e0d02cac9cbcf779250209922a6430f40ea4b7c9f8569f95a9680f",
          "sig_type": 2
      "seq_tail": {
        "payload_hash": "dd6f241934340e5ff22127dd1e2d09aed8a74bf1318c0370ccf13c3477a5b178",
        "seqno": 21,
        "sig_id": "a9dbd4ef50181b8eead339e9fb633a448ad02c4b35bbdb922ee45b52d3b7d8380f"
    "type": "track",
    "version": 1
  "client": {
    "name": " go client",
    "version": "1.0.18"
  "ctime": 1487643163,
  "expire_in": 504576000,
  "merkle_root": {
    "ctime": 1487643103,
    "hash": "41d826585d8aaf84143b581797b25daebe9f5f20444e3a0ded49bbbafc50200227284b40ff009499955a9563b777343252305aa2a95c2cc0158f15da86cf3c5f",
    "seqno": 909161
  "prev": "3e64903fc3e6e8249c1efe37c0106a16867b73d22d2f3b67ebcdbc075583e0e5",
  "seqno": 278,
  "tag": "signature"

You'll note this JSON blob is 2.4k big (after stripping away whitespace). In sigchain V2, we introduce a new wrapper object:

var outer_link = msgpack.pack([
  (Buffer.from("PmSQP8Pm6CScHv43wBBqFoZ7c9ItLztn6828B1WD4OU=", "base64")),
  (Buffer.from("Nl6GvU1ABnORNY4s2sKRyxNl9Pyx1r/TQeA/eYRMnA4=", "base64")),

The relevant components are:

  • Position 0: version — value is 2 for all V2 links
  • Position 1: seqno — In the above example, the value is 278 which describes the sequence number of this chainlink in the sigchain. As always, this must be an exactly sequential sequence. It must match seqno of the inner link.
  • Position 2: prev — The full SHA2 hash of the previous outer link, after msgpack encoding. In the above example, the value is PmSQP8Pm6CScHv43wBBqFoZ7c9ItLztn6828B1WD4OU= (in base64).
  • Position 3: curr — The full SHA2 hash of the inner link; hash(payload_json). In this example, the value is Nl6GvU1ABnORNY4s2sKRyxNl9Pyx1r/TQeA/eYRMnA4= (in base64)
  • Position 4: type — The type of the sigchain link, using the numerical table below. In the above example, we have a value of 3 that corresponds to track.
  • Position 5: seqno_type — Users and teams can have both public and "semiprivate" sigchains. In "semiprivate" chains, the server can see the value of the inner link, and can selectively expose it, based on access control mechanisms. The value here is implied if it's not specified explicitly. The default value for user's chains is 1, which means PUBLIC. The default values for teams is 3, which means SEMIPRIVATE.

Generating Chain Links

If you run this little program in your node interpreter, you'll get a buffer that's 75 bytes big, a huge savings over the above!

Now, when a user actually signs a new link into their sigchain, they'll sign the value:

var input = Buffer.from(outer_link,"binary")
var sig = device_key.sign(input)

When a client posts a signature, it now posts:

  • outer_link as shown above
  • inner_link as before
  • sig(outer_link)

When other clients replay sigchains, they always get outer_links but sometimes do not download inner_links either to save bandwidth or because they are unauthorized. A client who is decoding a full sigchain must manually check that the outer values match the inner values, and should reject links that don't match.


From JavaScript or Go, here are the numerical equivalents of all proof types:

  eldest : 1
  web_service_binding : 2
  track : 3
  untrack : 4
  revoke : 5
  cryptocurrency : 6
  announcement : 7
  device : 8
  web_service_binding_with_revoke : 9
  cryptocurrency_with_revoke : 10
  sibkey : 11
  subkey : 12
  pgp_update : 13
  per_user_key : 14
  team :
    index : 32
    root : 33
    new_subteam : 34
    change_membership : 35
    rotate_key : 36
    leave : 37
    subteam_head : 38
    rename_subteam : 39
    invite : 40
    rename_up_pointer : 41
    delete_root : 42
    delete_subteam : 43
    delete_up_pointer : 44

Similarly, from JavaScript and Go, here are the sigchain sequence types:

seq_types :
  NONE : 0
  PUBLIC : 1