Here is the technical documentation for teams:
Sigchain V2 is a discussion of changes to our sigchain format made for the sake of teams.
Per-User Keys describes how Keybase users, when using teams, share a secret key across all their devices.
Design explains the high-level design goals of Teams
Signature Chain Details describes the lower-level signature chain operation behind teams
Crypto describes the lower-level cryptography behind teams
Cascading Lazy Key Rotation describes the key rotation process for teams.
Downgrade Leases describes how cross-chain operations are kept serializable and race-free
Seitan Tokens V2 describes how we securely invite a user to a team without server trust
Fast Team Loader describes how team loading is fast-pathed on clients without primed caches
Team Box Auditor describes how clients audit the server to make sure the teams' secret keys are keyed for the right users and devices