Access Control with .kbp_config

.kbp_config is an optional json-encoded configuration file. By default, Keybase Pages enables reading and listing for the entire site. If you prefer to turn off directory listing, or want a simple ACL control using HTTP Basic Authentication, you can create such a file at the root of your site. For example if your site is configured to "kbp=/keybase/private/alice,kbpbot/my-site", .kbp_config should be at /keybase/private/alice,kbpbot/my-site/.kbp_config.

To make editing the config file easy, we have a command-line tool that can completely replace editing .kbp_config by hand.

Install it with go get:

go get -u

kbpagesconfig operates on (creates if needed) .kbp_config in the current directory, so typically you can cd into the site root and use it:

$ cd /keybase/private/yourname,kbpbot/my-site
$ kbpagesconfig ...

Or override the directory using -d flag:

$ kbpagesconfig -d /keybase/private/yourname,kbpbot/my-site ...

Watch this asciinema recording or continue reading for some examples!

How Keybase Pages uses .kbp_config

If .kbp_config exists, Keybase Pages servers assume a predefined structure composed of mainly two parts, a user map for users and (bcrypt'ed) password pairs, and an acls map that defines permissions on each specified path. When a Keybase Pages server (kbpagesd) receives an incoming request for the site, it roughly goes through the following steps:

  1. Try to authenticate the request using HTTP Basic Authentication, and map the request to either anonymous, or a pre-defined user.

  2. Look for the ACL in the config that most accurately matches the requested path. So for example if the only entry is /, it matches everything. If /foo is also defined, then that's used for /foo and everything under it, and / is used for everything else.

  3. Use the ACL to decide whether the mapped user has sufficient permission on the requested resource. For a directory without index.html, the list permission is required. Otherwise, the read permission is required.

  4. If needed, respond with HTTP status code 401, and a WWW-Authenticate header to request for Basic Authentication. Otherwise return the resource.

The ACL object for each path has two fields:

  1. anonymous_permissions, which defines the permission(s) that all visitors have on the give path. This applies to anonymous traffic that's not authenticated, as well as requests that have HTTP Basic Authentication headers.

  2. whitelist_additional_permissions, which defines additional permissions that authenticated users can get on the given path, in addition to what's in anonymous_permissions.

Putting them together, .kbp_config has the following format in json form:

  "version": "v1",
  "users": {
    <username>: <bcrypt_password>,
  "acls": {
    <path>: {
      "whitelist_additional_permissions": {
        <username>: <"read"|"list"|"read,list">,
      "anonymous_permissions": <"read"|"list"|"read,list">


Default Config

If the .kbp_config is missing for a site, Keybase Pages uses a default config that allows read and list permissions on the entire site, a.k.a.:

  "version": "v1",
  "users": {},
  "acls": {
    "/": {
      "whitelist_additional_permissions": null,
      "anonymous_permissions": "read,list"

/friends and /no-listing

Here is a more complete example with the users map populated and referenced in acls, where only alice is allowed to access /friends, and directory listing is disabled on /no-listing:

Using kbpconfig:

$ kbpagesconfig user add alice  # adds user "alice"; this'll prompt for a password
$ kbpagesconfig acl set default "" /friends  # removes default (anonymous) permissions on /friends and its sub-directories
$ kbpagesconfig acl set additional alice "read,list" /friends  # gives "alice" read and list permissions
$ kbpagesconfig acl set default "read" /no-listing # overrides the default (anonymous) permission for /no-listing to `read`, i.e. removing `list`.

In json:

  "version": "v1",
  "users": {
    "alice": "$2a$10$Z3eJqq2H3nQUvvBNkUEvLuWo9nHivPvSjlXLcQI6rZvUNebJ7rEBG"
  "acls": {
    "/": {
      "whitelist_additional_permissions": null,
      "anonymous_permissions": "read,list"
    "/friends": {
      "whitelist_additional_permissions": {
        "alice": "read,list"
      "anonymous_permissions": ""
    "/no-listing": {
      "whitelist_additional_permissions": null,
      "anonymous_permissions": "read"