Keybase is now writing to the Bitcoin blockchain
Deprecation Notice: We are now writing to the stellar blockchain.
Every public announcement you make on Keybase is now verifiably signed by Keybase and hashed into the Bitcoin blockchain. To be specific, all of these:
- announcing your Keybase username
- adding a public key
- identity proofs (twitter, github, your website, etc.)
- public bitcoin address announcements
- public follower statements
- revocations!
Quick background
Earlier, in the server security overview we described Keybase's approach to server security: (1) each user has his or her own signature chain that grows monotonically with each announcement; (2) the server maintains a global Merkle Tree that covers all signature chains; and (3) the server signs and publishes the root of the Merkle Tree with every new user signature. This configuration strongly discourages the server from lying by omission, since clients have the tools to catch the server in the act.
There was one point we glossed over. A sophisticated adversary Eve could commandeer our server and fork it, showing Alice and Bob different versions of server state. Eve could get away with her attack as long as she never tries to merge Alice and Bob's views back together, and as long as they don't communicate out-of-band. (See Mazières and Shasha for a formal treatment of fork-consistency).
Enter the Bitcoin Blockchain
Thanks to Bitcoin, we are now unforkable.
Since 16 June 2014, Keybase has been regularly pushing its Merkle Root into the Bitcoin blockchain, signed by the key 1HUCBSJeHnkhzrVKVjaVmWg2QtZS1mdfaz. Now, Alice and Bob can consult the blockchain to find a recent root of the Keybase Merkle tree. Unless Eve can fork the Bitcoin blockchain, Alice and Bob will see the same value, and can catch Eve if she tries to fork Keybase.
Another way to think of this property is to turn it on its head. Whenever Alice uploads a signed announcement to the Keybase servers, she influences Keybase's Merkle Tree, which in turn influences the Bitcoin blockchain, which in turn Bob can observe. When Bob observes changes in the Bitcoin blockchain, he can work backwards to see Alice's change. There's little Eve can do to get in the way without being detected.
You Mean My Signatures affect the Bitcoin Blockchain?
Yes. Here's how to verify it. We're providing sample code for both Python and IcedCoffeeScript - these should work right in your REPL, so go ahead, fire up python or iced, and start playing.
First, find the most recent Keybase insertion into the Bitcoin blockchain; it is always the most recent expenditure by 1HUCBSJeHnkhzrVKVjaVmWg2QtZS1mdfaz:
in Python:
from urllib2 import urlopen
import json
from_addr = "1HUCBSJeHnkhzrVKVjaVmWg2QtZS1mdfaz"
uri = "" % (from_addr)
to_addr = json.load(urlopen(uri))['txs'][0]['out'][0]['addr']
or in IcedCoffeeScript:
request = require 'request'
addr = "1HUCBSJeHnkhzrVKVjaVmWg2QtZS1mdfaz"
uri = "{P}{addr}?format=json"
await request {uri : uri, json : true }, defer err, res, json
to_addr = json.txs[0].out[0].addr
You'll get something new, but on Monday 14 Jul 2014 at 11:33 EST, the output was:
The Keybase servers sent a small amount of bitcoin to that address, intending never to recover it, and instead, to use 160 bits of the address to capture the hash value of its Merkle root. Use standard Bitcoin math to convert this address into a hex-encoded hash value:
from pycoin.encoding import bitcoin_address_to_hash160_sec, hash160
from binascii import hexlify
to_addr_hash = hexlify(bitcoin_address_to_hash160_sec(to_addr))
print to_addr_hash
btcjs = require 'keybase-bitcoinjs-lib' # regular 'bitcoinjs-lib' works too
to_addr_hash = btcjs.Address.fromBase58Check(to_addr).hash.toString('hex')
console.log to_addr_hash
Which outputs: 38482d2daf98ee6c04b2e2fd32981de6e78a3b60
Now do a lookup on Keybase to find the matching root block for that hash:
kb = ""
uri = "%s/merkle/root.json?hash160=%s" % (kb, to_addr_hash)
root_desc = json.load(urlopen(uri))
print root_desc
kb = ""
uri = "#{P}{kb}/merkle/root.json?hash160=#{P}{to_addr_hash}"
await request { uri : uri, json : true }, defer err, res, root_desc
console.log root_desc
You can examine this JSON output to find a lot of goodies, but really what we
care about is the sig
field, which contains a signature of the hash of the
root block, and the hash of this signature should match the value we found in
the Bitcoin blockchain:
import re
from base64 import b64decode
keybase_kid = '010159baae6c7d43c66adf8fb7bb2b8b4cbe408c062cfc369e693ccb18f85631dbcd0a'
sig = b64decode(re.compile(r"\\n\\n((\\S|\\n)*?)\\n=").search(root_desc['sigs'][keybase_kid]['sig']).group(1))
assert (to_addr_hash == hexlify(hash160(sig)))
assert = require 'assert'
keybase_kid = '010159baae6c7d43c66adf8fb7bb2b8b4cbe408c062cfc369e693ccb18f85631dbcd0a'
sig = Buffer.from root_desc.sigs[keybase_kid].sig.match(/\\n\\n([\\na-zA-Z0-9\\/\\+=]*?)\\n=/)[1], 'base64'
assert.equal hash, btcjs.crypto.hash160(sig).toString('hex')
Aha, a match! What was all that regex goo, you might
ask. The signature field itself is a standard PGP signature, with the familiar ---- BEGIN PGP ----
framing, comment fields, and checksum. The regex strips away the skin and leaves just the meat.
We are currently using the PGP Key 010159baae6c7d...
to sign our commitments, but plan to transition to an EdDSA key in the future. We will publish those
signatures under a different key of the sigs
object, corresponding to that new key's KID.
Now that we've verified the hash of this signature was written to the blockchain, we can either verify
the signature via gpg
, or try something quick and dirty to strip out the signature's payload data. For
this demonstration, the latter suffices. Pull out the hash of the root block as follows:
root_hash = re.compile(r"\\"root\\":\\"([a-f0-9]{128})\\"").search(sig).group(1)
root_hash = sig.toString("utf8").match(/"root":"([a-f0-9]{128})"/)[1]
Now we have the root, we can descend the Merkle tree to get the corresponding user data. Let's look up my data, but feel free to try your own:
username = "max"
uri = "%s/user/lookup.json?username=%s" % (kb, username)
uid = json.load(urlopen(uri))['them']['id']
print uid
username = "max"
uri = "#{P}{kb}/user/lookup.json?username=#{P}{username}"
await request { uri : uri, json : true }, defer err, res, json
uid =
Descending the Merkle tree works as follows. First, lookup the actual root block that corresponds to the root hash:
uri = "%s/merkle/block.json?hash=%s" % (kb, root_hash)
value_string = json.load(urlopen(uri))['value_string']
uri = "#{P}{kb}/merkle/block.json?hash=#{P}{root_hash}"
await request { uri : uri, json : true }, defer err, res, json
Next, check that the server wasn't lying about the contents of the block:
from hashlib import sha512, sha256
computed_hash = hexlify(sha512(value_string).digest())
assert(computed_hash == root_hash)
{createHash} = require 'crypto'
computed_hash = createHash('sha512').update(json.value_string).digest('hex')
assert.equal computed_hash, root_hash
Then go down the path from the tree root to my leaf. The first node is indexed with the first hex character of my UID; the next node down is indexed with the first two hex characters of my UID; and so on, until we hit a leaf node:
for i in range(1,len(uid)):
tab = json.loads(value_string)['tab']
prefix = uid[0:i]
nxt = tab.get(prefix)
if nxt == None:
uri = "%s/merkle/block.json?hash=%s" % (kb, nxt)
value_string = json.load(urlopen(uri))['value_string']
my_triple = tab[uid][1]
for i in [1...uid.length]
tab = JSON.parse(json.value_string).tab
prefix = uid[0...i]
nxt = tab[prefix]
break unless nxt?
uri = "#{P}{kb}/merkle/block.json?hash=#{P}{nxt}"
await request { uri : uri, json : true }, defer err, res, json
my_triple = tab[uid][1]
At this point, we can again check the server isn't lying to us about this block in the Merkle tree using the same technique as above. After we do, we are down at the leaf of the tree, and can jump to my record:
link_hash = my_triple[1]
link_hash = my_triple[1]
The triple contains: (0) the length of my signature chain; (1) the hash of the last thing I signed; and (2) the hash of the signature of the last thing I signed.
We're almost there! Now let's fetch my whole signature chain, zoom to the last link, check that it matches the hash we got above, and dump it out (pretty-printed)
uri = "%s/sig/get.json?uid=%s" % (kb, uid)
payload = json.load(urlopen(uri))['sigs'][-1]['payload_json']
computed_hash = hexlify(sha256(payload).digest())
assert(computed_hash == link_hash)
print json.dumps(json.loads(payload), indent=4)
uri = "#{P}{kb}/sig/get.json?uid=#{P}{uid}"
await request { uri : uri, json : true }, defer err, res, json
payload_json = json.sigs[-1...][0].payload_json
computed_hash = createHash('sha256').update(payload_json).digest('hex')
assert.equal computed_hash, link_hash
console.log JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(payload_json), null, 4)
In my case, the last thing I signed was a statement of my Facebook proof. In sum, this statement was hashed into my signature chain, which was hashed into Keybase's Merkle tree, which eventually was injected into the Bitcoin blockchain, for all eternity. That's a strong guarantee.